After months of delays Corby Borough Council Planning Committee has passed plans provided by town centre owners, Helical Bar, to build a new complex including a new VUE cinema. The demolition of Crown House and associated buildings commenced halfway through 2014 but came to a halt when the council received objections to the second cinema.
The construction of the new building works off Elizabeth Street will complete the main boulevard in the town centre. It will also complement the superb new Wetherspoons known as the Saxon Crown.
The next stage of the town centre development will be work on the multi-storey car park.
Helical Bar are to be congratulated for their complete revitalisation of the shopping area in Corby and our Conservative Councillors have been supporting this project from the start. Strangely, 3 of the Labour councillors on Planning spoke against the new cinema and it is understood that they actually abstained from voting on the resolution. That's weird!
Our photographs shows the site of the new cinema.